Diploma in Business Sustainability

The revolution has already begun, towards a more sustainable world, not only environmentally but also socially. The world view is changing and making brands that are more sustainable and ethical is crucial for us as creatives.

I am very happy to be able to share with you another achievement of mine, receiving a Diploma in Business Sustainability from the Institute of Sustainability Studies. The course I took allowed me to delve even deeper into the strategies, processes, people, and valuable and renewable resources we have at our disposal to create brands where humanity is at the centre of the strategy.

Cultivating a significant cultural change, reversing communication priorities in branding strategies and making them more conscious, sustainable, neutral in environmental impact, less aesthetic but more representative, are the pillars to create brands with strong and conscious value identities.
Also in branding, study, preparation and knowledge are the keys to participate in the great change taking place and build a better world for all.

The Diploma in Business Sustainability is awarded to all recipients who successfully attempted and passed the end-of-course assessment.
The Diploma is credit rated by the Glasgow Caledonian University (GCU).


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